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"Asymmetric Threats." In Strategic Assessment 1998. Washington DC: Institute for National Security Studies, 1998.

"Conventional Operations and Warfare: A New Era Ahead?" In Strategic Assessment 1999. Washington DC: Institute for National Strategic Studies, 1999.

"Information Warfare: A Two Edged Sword." Rand Research Review, Fall 1995.

"An Introduction to Information Operations." USAF Air Command and Staff College, 1998.

Military Operations: Status of DOD Efforts to Develop Future Warfighting Capability. Washington DC: United States General Accounting Office, 1999.

"Technology for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, 2000-2035: Becoming a 21st Century Force." National Academy Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Applications, 1997.

"Transforming U.S. Forces: Lessons From a Wider Revolution." Rand Issue Paper 193, 2000.

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"What is Strategic Information Warfare?" In Strategic Information Warfare Rising. Edited by Roger C. Molander, et al. Santa Monica: Rand, 1998.

Aftergood, Steven. "Monitoring Emerging Military Technologies." Journal of the Federation of American Scientists (January/ February 1995).

Alberts, David S. Defensive Information Warfare. Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1996.

Alberts, David S. The Unintended Consequences of Information Age Technologies. Washington DC: Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 1996.

Arquilla, John J. and David F. Ronfeldt. "Cyberwar and Netwar: New Modes, Old Concepts, of Conflicts." Rand Research Review, Fall 1995.

Barnett, Col. Jeffrey R. "Defeating Insurgents with Technology." Airpower Journal (Summer 1996).

Barnett, Roger W. "Information Operations, Deterrence, and the Use of Force." Naval War College Review(Spring 1998).

Barnett, Thomas P.M. The NDP's Three Exaggerated Threat Assessments. Alexandria, VA: The CNA Corporation, 1998.

Barnett, Thomas P.M. A Critique of the National Defense Panel Report. Alexandria: VA: The CNA Corporation, 1998.

Barnett, Thomas P.M. "The Seven Deadly Sins of Network-Centric Warfare." Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute (January 1999).

Bartlett, Henry C. "Force Planning, Military Revolutions and the Tyranny of Technology." Strategic Review (Fall 1996).

Berger, Capt. Alex. "The Low-Tech Side of Information Warfare." Aerospace Power Chronicles, Contributor's Corner, 1998.

Bernstein, Alvin H., et al. "High-Tech: The Future Face of War? A Debate." Commentary (January 1998).

Betts, Richard. "The Downside of the Cutting Edge." National Interest (Fall 1996).

Biddle, Stephen. "The Past as Prologue: Assessing Theories of Future Warfare." RUSI Journal (June 1998).

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Biddle, Stephen, et al. "Skill and Technology in Modern Warfare." Joint Force Quarterly (Summer 1999).

Blaker, James. Understanding the Revolution in Military Affairs: A Guide to America's 21st Century Defense. Washington, DC: Progressive Policy Institute, 1997.

Blaker, James R. "American RMA: An Alternative to the QDR." Strategic Review (Summer 1997).

Blaker, James R. "Understanding the Revolution in Military Affairs." The Officer (May 1997).

Blaker, James R. A Vanguard Force: Accelerating the American Revolution in Military Affairs. Washington DC: Progressive Policy Institute, 1997.

Bonen, Zeev and Eliot A. Cohen. "Advanced Technology and Future Warfare." Ramat Gan, Israel: The Besa Center for Strategic Studies, 1996.

Bronson, Rachel and Daniel Goure. "The Diplomatic Consequences of the Coming RMA." Foreign Services Journal(September 1998).

Buchan, Glenn. Information Warfare and the Air Force: Wave of the Future? Current Fad? Santa Monica: Rand, 1996.

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Cebrowski, Vice Admiral Arthur K. and John J. Garstka. "Network- Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future." Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute (January 1998).

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Cordesman, Anthony. The Revolution in Military Affairs and Developments in the Persian Gulf. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1999.

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DiNardo, R.L. and Daniel J. Hughes. "Some Cautionary Thoughts on Information Warfare." Air Power Journal (1995).

Dunlap, Charles Jr. "Technology: Recomplicating Moral Life for the Nation's Defenders." Parameters (Autumn 1999).

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Evans, Michael. "The Primacy Of Doctrine: The United States Army and Military Innovation and Reform, 1945-1995." Army Occasional Paper No. 1. Directorate of Army Research and Analysis, Australian Army, 1996.

Fowler, Bruce W. and Donald R. Peterson. "Induced Fragility in Information Age Warfare." Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1998.

Freedman, Lawrence. "Changing Forms of Military Conflict." Survival (Winter 1998-1999).

Freedman, Lawrence. Information Warfare: Will Battle Ever Be Joined. London: International Centre for Security Analysis, 1996.

Galdi, Theodor W. "Revolution in Military Affairs?" Congressional Research Service, 1995.

Gamboa, Maj. John "The Cost of Revolution." Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, December, 1998.

Goldman, Emily O. and Richard B. Andrews. "Systemic Effects of Military Innovations and Diffusion." Joint Center for International and Security Studies, University of California, Davis, 1998.

Goodman, S.E. "Information Technologies and Defense: A Demand-Pull Assessment." Center for International Security and Arms Control, Stanford University, 1996.

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Grau, Lester W. "Bashing the Laser Range Finder With a Rock." Military Review (May/ June (1997).

Greenberg, Lawrence T., et al. Information War and International Law. Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1998.

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Gunther, Christopher. "You Call This a Revolution." Foreign Services Journal (September 1998).

Harknett, Richard, et al. "The Risky Game Plan." Joint Center for International and Security Studies, University of California, Davis, 1998.

Harknett, Richard J. "The Information Technology Network and the Ability to Deter." Joint Center for International and Security Studies, University of California, Davis, 1996.

Harley, Lt. Com. Jeffrey A. "Information, Technology, and the Center of Gravity." Naval War College Review (Winter 1997).

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Johnson, Stuart and Martin C. Libicki. Dominant Battlespace Knowledge. Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1995.

Khalizad, Zalmay and John White. The Changing Role of Information in Warfare. Santa Monica: Rand, 1999.

Kipp, Jacob W. "The Revolution in Military Affairs and Its Interpreters: Implications for National and International Security Policy." Center for Army Lessons Learned, Foreign Military Studies Office, 1995.

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Kuehl, Dan. "The Ethics of Information War and Statecraft."

Laird, Robbin F. and Holger H. Mey. "The Revolution in Military Affairs: Allied Perspectives." McNair Paper 60, Institute for National Strategic Studies, April 1999.

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Mahnken, Thomas G. and Barry D. Watts. "What the Gulf War Can (and Cannot) Tell Us About the Future of Warfare." International Security (Fall 1997).

Mazarr, Michael J. The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1994.

McCabe, Thomas R. "The Counterrevolution in Military Affairs." Air Chronicles (July 1999).

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McKitrick, Jeffrey, et al. "The Revolution in Military Affairs." In Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues, edited by Barry R. Schnieder and Lawrence E. Grinter. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995.

Metz, Steven. "Siren Song of Technology and Conflict Short of War." Special Warfare (1996).

Miller, John H. "Information Warfare: Issues and Perspectives." Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 1995.

Molander, Roger C., et al. Strategic Information Warfare Rising. Santa Monica: Rand, 1998.

Molander, Roger C., et al. "What is Strategic Information Warfare." In Strategic Information Warfare Rising. Santa Monica: Rand, 1998.

Murawiec, L. Translated by Elizabeth Heeter. Innovation: Element of Power. Geneva: Geopol Associates, 1998.

Murray, Williamson. "Thinking About Revolutions in Military Affairs." Joint Force Quarterly (Summer 1998).

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O'Hanlon, Michael. "Beware the "RMA'nia!"." Paper presented at the National Defense University, 9 September 1998.

O'Hanlon, Michael. Technological Change and the Future of Warfare. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1999.

Owens, Admiral William A. Jr. "The Emerging U.S. System-of-Systems." Strategic Forum 63, Institute for National Strategic Studies, February 1996.

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Parker, Christopher S. "New Weapons for Old Problems: Conventional Proliferation and Military Effectiveness in Developing States." International Security (Spring 1999).

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Rathmell, Andrew. "Information Warfare: Implications for Arms Control." Bulletin of Arms Control (April 1998).

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Ritcheson, Philip L. "Future of "Military Affairs: Revolution or Evolution." Strategic Review (Spring 1996).

Roland, Alex. The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1995.

Roland, Alex. "Technology and War." American Diplomacy, 1997.

Ronfeldt, David. The Zapatista "Social Netwar" in Mexico. Santa Monica: Rand, 1998.

Scales, Maj. Gen. Robert H. Jr. America's Army in Transition: Preparing for War in the Precision Age. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1999.

Schneider, Barry R. and Lawrence E. Grinter. Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995.

Semiamaw, Col. W. "The Revolution in Military Affairs: All That Glitters is Not Gold." Canadian Forces College, 1998.

Shapiro, Jeremy. "Information and War: Is it a Revolution?" In The Changing Role of Information in Warfare, edited by Zalmay Khalizad and John White, 113-153. Santa Monica: Rand, 1999.

Siegel, Pascale Combelles. "Target Bosnia: Integrating Information Activities in Peace Operations." Center for Army Lesson Learned, 1995-1997.

Silverberg, David. "Tofflermania." Armed Forces Journal (June 1995).

Silverstein, Ken. "Buck Rogers Rides Again." The Nation, October 25, 1999.

Smith, George. "An Electronic Pearl Harbor? Not Likely." Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 1998.

Stech, Lt. Col. Frank J. "Sociopolitical Stresses and the RMA." Parameters (Summer 1995).

Stein, Fred P. "Observations on the Emergence of Network Centric Warfare." Paper presented at the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, June 1998.

Stein, George J. Information Attack: Information Warfare in 2025. Montgomery, Alabama: Air War College, 1996.

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Thomas, Timothy L. "Virtual Peacemaking: A Military View of Conflict Prevention Through the Use of Information." Centers for Army Lessons Learned, Foreign Military Studies Office, 1999.

Tirpak, John A. "Strategic Control." Air Force Magazine, February 1999.

Travers, Russell E. "A New Millennium and a Strategic Breathing Space." The Washington Quarterly (Spring 1997).

Tucker, Jonathan B. "Asymmetric Warfare." Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer 1999).

Unterseher, Lutz. "Europe's Armed Forces at the Millennium: A Case Study of Change in France, the United Kingdom and Germany." Project on Defense Alternatives, December 2000.

Vickers, Michael. "Science, Technology and Military Strength." Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 1999.

Watts, Barry D. "Clausewitzian Friction and Future War." McNair Paper 52, Institute for National Strategic Studies, October 1996.

Wheatley, Gary F. and Richard E. Hayes. Information Warfare and Deterrence. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1996.

Williams, Cindy and Jennifer M. Lind. "Can We Afford a Revolution in Military Affairs." Breakthroughs (Spring 1999).

Wilson, Ernest J. III. "Globalization, Information Technology, and Conflict in the Second and Third Worlds." Project on World Security, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1998.

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